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The French caviar box is composed of a ratte potatoes mousseline cooked with haddock fish and covered with French Caviar from Sologne. On the side a buckwheat crispy tube, stuffed with an aigrelette dressing. 


Description du plat 

The Parisian leek, grilled and burnt on purpose. The heart is very tender stuffed with ‘’white pearl’’ oyster n°3 from Ancelin and an oyster and seaweed butter. It is topped with  lemon, croutons and chives.
The sauce we are serving on it is composed of oyster and lemon juice, Xérès vinegar, shallots, lemon dices and chives with seaweed butter.
Of course you have to eat only the leek heart and not the burnt part. 


Description du plat 

A signature dish from the chef : The macaronis, stuffed with artichoke, black truffle and duck foie gras, gratinated with an aged parmesan and served with two sauces : A ‘’supreme sauce’’ the light one realized with duck foie gras and a chicken hen black truffle juice. 


Description du plat 

The monarch celery is cooked in a sea salt crust and we will prepare it in front on you. It is served with whipped black truffle butter, grated Beaufort cheese, salt and pepper and black truffle shavings.


Description du plat 

The large langoustines, from Guilvinec in French Brittany, roasted with Espelette pepper and lemon thyme, they are topped with an onion and mango condiment (preserved yellow onions, mango dices, orange juice, coriander seeds and black pepper)
In the bottom of the plate : a carrots and ginger purée with a claws emulsion, slightly creamed flavoured with yuzu citrus.


Description du plat 

In the bottom you will find a smoked ham royale, topped with a carbonara style onions tagliatelles, cooked with cream, black truffle, chanterelles mushroom, parmesan and ham. It is topped with a black truffle poultry juice and parmesan emulsion.
We will withdraw the hat to set it on the coal colored parsmesan powder.


Description du plat 

Purple sea urchin from Saint Jean de Luz (South west of France) reinterpreted by the chef. In the bottom of the urchin bowl you have scrambled egg, topped with urchins tongues and an emulsion realized with urchin tongues and juice, slightly creamed and a touch of lemon.
On the side a toast bread, with a seaweed butter (Wakame, nori, sea lettuce)

Be careful to do not eat the big salt under the bowl, it is only set to maintain it.


Description du plat 

This is like a pumpkin millefeuille, realized with several thin layers of pumpkin, cooked with a black truffle butter and gratinated with parmesan, chestnut, hazelnut and a black truffle butter.
The country bread slice will be gratinated in the same way. In the plate there is a brown butter zabaglione beside we will poor the pumkin soup.


Description du plat 

The oyster and sea scallop are simply steamed. The oyster is set on a ratte potatoes cooked with haddock fish and glazed with squid ink on melting leek and chives. Under the scallop you will find an oyster tartar topped with French caviar. It is served with a lemon butter emulsion with a touch of curry and Espelette pepper. Decoration preserved scallop ‘’barde’’ (mantle of the scallop), salicornia and borage.

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